Keep Chicago Livable is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 entity that was created to help represent, support and defend the rights of residents, renters, tenants and homeowners in Chicago. We represent all those guests and hosts that participate in the home sharing or crowd sharing sector.
All donations are tax-deductible and go towards helping create a better, more affordable, and more livable Chicago. Your support to “keep the lights on” with respect to services such as upkeep on the KCL website, support funding for the lawsuit, events for hosts, efforts to defend responsible home sharing, and provides the ability to market online reaching other hosts participating in the Chicagoland area.
Access to premium content and legal advice is restricted to members only. To join and protect yourself under the Keep Chicago Livable umbrella, please donate a minimum of $200 (equivalent to a booking for most hosts).
After donating to Keep Chicago Livable, you will have access and be emailed a password to access premium content to help with compliance issues and legal concerns of the new Chicago law.